Writing a Unique and Memorable Obituary

Posted on August 1, 2022 by Osceola Memory Gardens under Funeral Homes
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funeral home near Orlando, FL

When your loved one passes away, the responsibility of writing their obituary may fall to you or another close family member. It’s a duty that bears a somewhat heavy burden, but it can be cathartic in a way, as well. While many obituaries are simple and to the point, you may find that you want to write a more colorful and illustrative description of your loved one. Your funeral home near Orlando, FL, can help you figure out what details must be included, and they can also give you advice on where and how to publish the obituary so that it reaches your loved one’s community.

The basics of what to include in an obituary are fairly simple: their date of birth and death, where they were born, and the names of their parents, siblings, children, and grandchildren, are all relevant details to include. You may want to note where they went to school and where they worked. If they spent time serving in the military, you will likely want to include the details of their time served, as well as any honorable medals they may have received.

Moving past these details, you can start to get into who they really were as a person. Did they have any special passions or hobbies in their life? They may have been an avid gardener, loved to play recreational sports, or enjoyed spending time hiking on local trails. Perhaps they were an artist who loved to paint, or who dedicated their talents to music. Maybe they collected special memorabilia or loved to travel the country or world. These are all the things that people are likely to remember your loved one by. They are the details that make them who they are. This information is excellent to include in an obituary because it can educate others in the community on who your loved one really was, and it can connect them with other groups that you may not have been able to reach otherwise. You can also consider how they chose to contribute to their community. This may have meant that they were active within their church, or they might have regularly volunteered their time to the local animal shelter. These are important things to note as well.funeral home near Orlando FL

In addition to all these uniquely characteristic details that you can include, you might even want to describe a special story or memory of your loved one. This can really bring their personality home to anyone reading it, and it can recall fond memories for many family members and friends.

At the end of their obituary, you may want to include the details of their funeral, including the time and place that it will take place. That way, you can relieve yourself of the burden of trying to contact every single person who might be interested in attending. After this, you can speak with your funeral home near Orlando, FL, to get more details about where and how you can publish your loved one’s obituary. Then, you can have a lasting and permanent document that future generations can read, which pays tribute to your loved one’s memory.

Osceola Memory Gardens

Since 1958, Osceola Memory Gardens has provided respectful service and options for families to create a meaningful service at an affordable cost. We serve all religions and have full-time staff available 24 hours-a-day, every day of the year. Osceola Memory Gardens is housed in three beautiful facilities conveniently located in Kissimmee, Saint Cloud, and Poinciana Florida